Principal Investigator
Rachelle H. Crosbie, PhD
Professor and Chair of Integrative Biology and Physiology Professor, Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California Los Angeles
Hobbies: Baking, hiking, service animal training, nature
Project Scientists and Staff Researchers
Ekaterina Mokhonova, PhD
Associate Project Scientist
Ph.D. Molecular Biology || The Institute of Virology, Moscow, Russia M.S. Immunology and Microbiology || Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Research Interests: Disease mechanisms and therapies for muscular dystrophies.
Hobbies: In my free time I like to travel.
Ravinder Malik, PhD
Associate Project Scientist
Ph.D. Biotechnology || National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Mohali (S.A.S. Nagar), India M.S. Biotechnology || Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India
Research Interests: Drug discovery, small molecule enhancers of sarcospan to ameliorate Duchenne muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, biomarker research in muscular dystrophy.
Hobbies: I am passionate about teaching and mentoring students and fellow women in science. I like practicing yoga and spending time with family.
Hafsa Mamsa, MS
Staff Researcher
M.S. Physiological Science || University of California, Los Angeles B.S. Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics || University of California, Los Angeles
Research Interests: Genetic and physiological basis of disease and developing therapies.
Hobbies: I enjoy learning new things.
Jackson Walker
Staff Research Associate
B.A. Neuroscience || University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Research Interests: Drug discovery, small molecule enhancers of sarcospan to ameliorate muscular dystrophies, cellular and molecular mechanisms of degenerative diseases, structure and functions of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex and sarcoglycan subcomplex
Hobbies: Reading, boardgaming, and basketball
Postdoctoral Researchers
Joseph Reynolds, PhD
Ph. D. Biology of Aging || USC, Los AngelesM.S. Biological Science || Dominican University of California B.S. Biochemistry II University of Washington
Research Interests: My research focuses on the role of the extracellular matrix in muscle function, protection from damage, and regeneration.
Hobbies: Outside of the lab, I enjoy baseball, practicing yoga and jiu-jitsu, and testing out new salsa recipes.
George Marcotte, PhD
Ph.D. Biomedical Science || University of Iowa, Iowa City M.S. Kinesiology || McMaster University, Ontario B.S. Exercise Biology || University of California, Davis
Research Interests: My research is focused on identifying the molecular mechanism(s) of our small molecule modulators of sarcospan. We aim to develop novel therapies that enhance the therapeutic potential and deepen our understanding of sarcospan’s role in ameliorating muscular dystrophies.
Hobbies: Backpacking, Sci-Fi, running, biking
PhD Students
Devin Gibbs
B.S. Biology and Music History and Composition || Colby College, Waterville
Research Interests:I’m interested in studying human development with a focus on human limb skeletal muscle development. My focus is understanding the different ways in which cells communicate and coordinate with each other during the developmental phase to come together and form fully functioning tissues. Currently, I am investigating the role the extracellular matrix plays in this human skeletal muscle development conversation.
Hobbies: Playing Saxophone, Hiking, Reading Philosophy, Teaching
Daniel Helzer
M.S. Kinesiology – Exercise Physiology || California State Polytechnic University, Pomona B.S. Kinesiology- Exercise Science || California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Research Interests: Skeletal muscle immunology, energetics, and mechanisms of fibrosis in muscular dystrophy.
Hobbies: Concerts, art, reading, and nature.
Pranav Kannan
M.S. Physiological Science || University of California, Los Angeles
B.S. Human Biology || Michigan State University, East Lansing
Research Interests: Sarcospan Biology
Hobbies: Fishing, Anime, Playing Sitar
M.S Candidates
Mohammad H. Afsharinia
Major: Physiological Science (MS)
Expected graduation date: June 2025
M.S. Bioinformatics || Tarbiat Modares University, Iran B.S. Genetics || Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
Research Interests: I conduct research at the intersection of bioinformatics and muscular dystrophy. My master’s thesis focuses on refined single-cell analysis of fibroblast-induced changes in the dystrophic extracellular matrix.
Hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy writing poems and rap lyrics in Persian.
Richard Yan
Major: Physiological Science (MS)
Expected graduation date: June 2025
B.S. Chemistry II Michigan State University, East Lansing
Research Interests: Cardiomyopathy of DMD
Hobbies: Piano, composition, football, scuba diving
Donovan Nelson
Major: Physiological Science (MS)
Expected graduation date: June 2026
B.S. Integrated Biology and Physiological Science | University of California, Los Angeles
Research Interests: Therapeutic developments for muscular dystrophies
Hobbies: Fitness, nature, snowboarding, I have over a year streak on duolingo Enpañol
B.S Candidates
Nina Abbey
Major: Physiological Science
Expected graduation date: June 2025
Research Interests: My senior thesis is on sarcospan’s mechanisms of ameliorating cardiac dystrophic pathology.
Hobbies: I am the president of club indoor volleyball at UCLA, I play club beach volleyball, and I love to surf!
Tess S. Fleser
Major: Physiological Science
Minor: Biomedical Research
Expected graduation date: June 2025
Research Interests: My undergraduate thesis is on the role of sarcospan in muscle membrane repair.
Hobbies: I am the captain of the UCLA equestrian team and I love to read.
Daniel Jeon
Major: Neuroscience
Expected graduation date: June 2026
Research Interests: My project in the lab is evaluation of the efficacy of small molecule modulators to induce expression of sarcospan and other DGC components in dystrophic muscles.
Hobbies: I love learning about muscle growth in and out of the lab.
Simran Ovalerkar
Major: Psychobiology
Expected graduation date: June 2027
Research Interests: My research in the lab revolves around studying Muscular Dystrophy through the cardiovascular system.
Hobbies: Outside the lab I am a model for Fashion and Student Trends and a Clinical Medical Assistant. I hope to pursue a career in healthcare!
Amelia Khouri
Major: MCDB (Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology)
Expected graduation date: June 2027
Research Interests: My research in the lab focuses on screening small molecules to identify potential enhancers of the sarcospan protein in muscle tissue.
Hobbies: Aside from research, I enjoy volunteering in my local community and within hospital settings